Stuff I like to do
Building for a smarter, more humane, and creative web.
Driven by a desire to empower with technological solutions with specialization in web technologies, and creative media workflows for screens.
Making cool things + open source gizmos just work for these stellar people. I love making resilient, free, and open source web experiences:
- Dark Properties website + mailing list admin
- FreeFarm Stand - Keeping free food flowing in the Mission District of SF
- Cassandra Jenkins - Handmade HTML + CSS
- Wandering Wednesday Mailing List hosting (A catskills thing)
- Strange Foundation artist residency, Catskills
- Global Glimpse (A decade of web development, though I did not work on their new amazing website)
- Save the Catskill Preserve
- Kickstarter: Year in Review Microsite Development
Director of Support at Tumult
- Community management, tutorials and guides, high level technical support in HTML/JS/CSS/Apache/Nginx and front-end development. Making frontend magic work for everyone.
- Clients: Reuters, Al Jazeera, Amazon Game Studios, Foursquare, Soundcloud, Harvard's Edx.
Technical Lead for Global Glimpse
- Project: Web development, cybersecurity, problem solving & engineering management for nonprofit serving under-resourced high school students' international opportunities.
Writing & Guides
- Adblocking is
- Publications: Hackernoon on Bitcoin.
- HTML5 Animation Guides** for Tumult Hype and on the Tumult Blog.
Boards & Extras
- Previously Board of Directors: Preservation of New York's Catskill Mountains, communities, and forests. Save the Catskills board, working to fight a Federal Energy Commission proposal in the Catskills.
- Previously: Advisory Board Chair Global Glimpse
- Web Technologies: Creative problem solving for frontend, backend, and pixels in transit. Educator in HTML, CSS, JavaScript and Web Accessibility (WCAG). The problem is usually DNS.
- Crypto/Homelab Tinkerer: Expert in self hosting technologies, file storage & syncing, crypto tokens of all types and sizes. Linux, Mac and Windows System administration and hardening.
- Creative Support: Out-of-the-box thinking in support of web app performance, automation + AI workflows, email server admin, and Wordpress development for business + cultural goals.
Selected Collaborations
- Kickstarter, SFMOMA, Northrop Grumman, Pfizer
Previous Roles
- Cofounder The Strange Foundation
- Hello Chair App Recommendation / Machine Learning YC Startup
- Engineering Manager Gelofactory Web Development Shop
- Loyal Unpaid Intern Photography Department at The New Yorker magazine
- Video Editor & Camera Operator TRW / Northrop Grumman
- Vassar College, B.S. in Science Technology & Society. Thesis on Gray Goo.