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Daniel Morgan


This is a simple but robust random number generator where users can test whether their intention exerts any force on random number generators. Bear with me... Why would intention have anything to do with digital dice rolls? This experiment has a long history, and it starts with games, where the roll of a dice, sheep knuckles, or a few sticks could be leveraged by ancient peoples for fun and divination:

Interest beyond just 'chance' and 'fate' but into the paranormal, psychic phenomena, telekenesis, and new directions in quantum physics drew statisticians and experimenters to a new test: can someone get what they want from a random number generator and beat the odds? In a meta analysis of 380 studies in "Examining Psychokinesis: The Interaction of Human Intention with Random Number Generators" by three researchers, the answer can be summed up as:


“A significant but very small overall effect size was found. The study effect sizes were strongly and inversely related to sample size and were extremely heterogeneous.”

“Unknown to most academics, a large amount of experimental data has accrued testing the hypothesis of a direct connection between the human mind and the physical world.”

“If human intention can influence physical systems, it challenges materialistic conceptions of reality, suggesting a more interconnected relationship between consciousness and the physical world.”

“Over time, experimental and statistical methods improved, and, in 1991, Radin & Ferrari undertook a meta-analysis of the dice experiments, finding small but significant deviations from chance.”

“The transition from dice experiments to random number generators marked a shift toward greater experimental control but also introduced questions about whether psi effects operate on a quantum or macroscopic level.”

“Despite methodological refinements, the evidence for psychokinesis remains controversial, with skeptics attributing observed effects to experimenter bias, selective reporting, and statistical artifacts.”

My hope is that with a global userbase, a large number of sessions, and incredible random randomness, we can figure this out together.

How random is I've implemented drand, a public service spearheaded by Cloudflare (also known as the The League of Entropy) which bills itself as "Verifiable, unpredictable and unbiased random numbers as a service." The drand random number is mixed in with the timestamp, a salt of the username, and stirred up each second (stored as milliseconds after session start) for a mega number.)

How random numbers are generated on

  1. drand_randomness value is obtained from the Drand network every 30 seconds.
  2. salt is generated from the user ID
  3. timestamp is recorded for each second past the initial session start, as millisecond
  4. combinedInput = drand_randomness + salt + timestamp
  5. hash = SHA-256(combinedInput)
  6. randomNumber = parseInt(hash.charAt(0), 16) % 2 (Take the first character of the hash, convert to a number 0-15, then mod 2 to get 0 or 1)

Try it out.

Caregiver Companion GPT

Caregiver Companion GPT

In an estimated 36.5 million households across the country an adult is providing unpaid care to a family member according to the “Caregiving in the U.S.” study by the National Alliance for Caregiving.

There's an enormous body of literature and resources available on the web for navigating the caregiving experience, and I wanted to create a tool that would help serve as a quick reference for navigating the process. Questions like:

Googling this information is tough when a great deal of this knowledge is locked up in huge publications, behind advertising, and hidden in PDFs on government websites. This tool brings those resources closer to those in need with vetted techniques and strategies to help caregivers access this information.

When OpenAI announced custom GPT models, I kept encountering GPTs built for Open AI's demographic: 'custom websites', 'help creating Excel formulas'... etc... but for one of the most challenging aspects of life on Earth -- caregiving -- especially in the U.S. -- I wanted to test if a tool like this would be actually useful. I've done a great deal of testing, prompt crafting and work on this and I hope it's useful to others.

Visit the Caregiver Companion

This custom GPT has been primed with a custom prompt that is designed to help caregivers with their day-to-day activities. It includes tools for planning, tracking, and managing tasks, as well as resources for finding support and information about mental health issues. Beyond the custom prompt, the GPT also has extensive knowledge about common issues caretakers encounter as they assist ailing adults. Answers improve as questions it receives improve, so the more detail provided in your questions the better.

The GPT has been trained on free resources published by leading elder care resources:

I will say that I'm aware of all the issues that this type of service poses:

Moonphase Generator

Building a service to show "what's today's moonphase" was a fun project. Today the moon looks like:

Learn more here.
